District Nursing
- News item
District Nursing Today: The Views of Team Leaders Revealed in QNI Report
The QNI has launched a major national survey of District Nurse Team Leaders.

- Report
Report on District Nurse Education in the United Kingdom 2021 – 2022
The report summarises the results of an audit of District Nurse education for the academic year 2021/22. This report is an accurate and independent analysis of Specialist Practitioner District Nursing education across the UK.
- News item
National Survey of District Nurse Team Leaders
The QNI is calling on District Nurses in the UK to participate in the first major national survey of the profession since 2019.
- Event
QNI Annual Conference 2023 (recordings)
The UK's leading event for community nurses took place over four days of discussion, sharing expertise, and insights into community nursing today and in the future.
- Blog post
District Nursing Out of Hours – Inspiring Future Nurses
'Going into my third year now, District Nursing has been the most insightful and inspirational placements I have had to date, and I feel I have learned things that I can carry forward in many areas of nursing, but could never have fully understood in any other environment.'
- Blog post
Building upon services to provide the right care for people through virtual wards
Virtual wards combine the knowledge of multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals, with face-to-face visits in someone’s home, together with the use of digital technology.
- News item
International Nurses’ Day 2022
The world celebrates nurses on International Nurses' Day and we thank them for their skill and compassion in supporting health and wellbeing everywhere.
- News item
New Book Celebrates Achievements of Community Nursing
The Queen’s Nurses represent diverse specialisms and taken together the book provides a glimpse into a world of professional expertise and person-centred care that is not often portrayed in the wider media.
- News item
Annual District Nurse Education Report Published
The QNI has published the 8th annual Report on District Nurse Education in the UK for 2019-20.
- Publication
- Blog post
My journey into community nursing
I was born in Kenya and have lived in the UK for 10 years. Health services in Kenya are not free and people have to pay to access medical services. I always think to myself, how lucky are we to have the NHS.
- News item
- Press release

- Report
District Nursing Today
The QNI has published a new independent report, 'District Nursing Today, the View of District Nurse Team Leaders in the UK'. It is the first general review of the district nursing profession to be released since the publication of ‘2020 Vision Five Years On’ by the QNI in 2014.
Outstanding Models of District Nursing Report
The report explores the elements which need to be in place to support an Outstanding District Nursing service. It includes the views and experiences of a wide range of stakeholders including patients, carers, commissioners and GPs.
- Publication
District Nurse Education Report 2016-2017
Including five year review of trends in student numbers and universities offering the Specialist Practitioner Qualification.
- Publication
- Report
Men’s Health – Nurse led Projects in the Community
Information and guidance for community nurses who want to work more effectively with male patients.

- Guidance
- Learning resource
- Policy
- Report
Nursing in the Digital Age
'Nursing in the Digital Age, Using Technology to Support Patients in the Home' seeks to determine how far new healthcare information technology has changed in the previous six years and how skills and attitudes within community services have adapted.

- Report
District Nurse Education Report 2015 – 2016
This report is the fourth annual report the charity has published on District Nurse education.

- Guidance
- Publication
- Transition
Chapter 10: Developing your career
Transition to District Nursing Toolkit

- Guidance
- Publication
- Transition
Chapter 1: What is District Nursing?
Transition to District Nursing Toolkit

- Case study
- Project
Relationships in Dementia
A new diagnosis of dementia can put a huge strain on any relationship. This case study describes a therapeutic support group for couples, where one of them has a new diagnosis of dementia.
- Case study
- Project
Practice Development in Community Palliative Care
The key goal of palliative care is the achievement of best quality of life for patients and their families.

- Case study
- Project
Improving leg ulcer care
Venous leg ulcers affect many people, are slow to heal and frequently reoccur, taking time and resources to treat. This project aimed to improve care for these patients through a new care pathway.

- Case study
- Project
Rural Hearts
This project aimed to deliver a programme of cardiac rehabilitation to patients with heart disease living in rural areas, who cannot attend hospital-based programmes.

- Case study
- Project
Patient Visit Scheduling Tool
A project improved the experience of housebound patients through a new IT patient allocation system. The improved reliability of timed visits by District Nurses and has been widely adopted elsewhere.

- Case study
- Project
Venous Access Device
Central Venous Access Devices deliver chemotherapy for patients at home, reducing the need to attend hospital. This project developed such a service in the community for people living in Belfast.

- Case study
- Project
Water for Wellbeing project
There are serious adverse affects resulting from dehydration and many older people do not drink enough water. This project aimed to increase fluid intake by older people to benefit their health and wellbeing.

- Case study
- Project
Enteral to Oral
Enteral feeding or tube feeding is often necessary to ensure adequate nutrition in sick infants and children. Weaning a child off enteral feeding can be difficult and this project sought to address the challenges.

- Case study
- Project
Palliative Wellbeing in Powys
A community nurse programme to develop effective and holistic support for people who have received a terminal diagnosis, to help them and their families manage their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
- Case study
- Project
Managing Type 1 Diabetes
Children receive dedicated support for long term conditions such as diabetes from a multi-disciplinary team. There are risks associated with the transition to adult services, due to a whole range of factors.

- Publication
- Report
2020 Vision: Focusing on the Future of District Nursing
This report published in 2009 provided a snapshot of the District Nursing profession at that point in time. It has since been widely referenced in other publications and research. The QNI published an updated report in 2014 to show how conditions affecting the profession had changed in the previous five years.

- Guidance
- Learning resource
- Policy
Smart New World
An overview of how new mobile technology is changing the face of community nursing, published by the QNI in 2012.

- Policy
- Publication
- Report
Nursing People at Home Report
A major report based on a public survey, illustrating the key qualities of competence, confidence and caring that people value in nurses who are carrying out a home visit.

- Policy
- Publication
- Report
2020 Vision: Five Years On
This major survey of over 1000 District Nurses was published in 2014. It provides an overview of the state of the profession, and the data is compared to the previous survey carried out by the QNI in 2009.

- Consultation
- Practice standard
- Report
Discharge Planning: Best Practice in Transitions of Care
This report, ‘Discharge Planning: Best Practice in Transitions of Care’ is based on qualitative research, focus groups and literature review. Discharge planning was identified as a major current issue for nurses and patients in the QNI’s 2014 survey of District Nurses, when 83% reported that communication with hospital staff was poor.

- Publication
- Report
District Nurse Education Report 2014-15
This is the third annual report into the number of District Nurses currently being educated compiled by the QNI. 41 Universities around the UK offered the Specialist Practitioner - District Nurse programme in the 2014-15 academic year. This report provides detailed analysis of student numbers and academic trends.

- Policy
- Publication
- Report
District Nurse Education Report 2013-14
This review is the second of its kind and outlines the current context for District Nurse education in the UK in 2014. It presents trends and changes that have emerged since the first such review carried out by the QNI in 2013.

- Policy
- Publication
- Report
District Nurse Education Report 2012-13
This report is the first annual report into the number of District Nursing Specialist Practitioner courses and the number of students enrolled. The report has since been repeated in subsequent years to establish what trends are emerging in these numbers.

- Consultation
- Guidance
- Learning resource
Homelessness and Hospital Discharge
In 2014 The Queen’s Nursing Institute surveyed over 180 nurses who work directly with people who are homeless to get their views of current hospital discharge arrangements. This document captures their feedback.

- Infographic/chart
- Poster
Oral health patient guide
A simple two page colour poster to inform service users about oral health.