Field Specific Standards at an Advanced Practice Level, for Specialisms in Community Nursing

The QICN has worked with health and social care organisations from the four countries of the UK to develop Field Specific Standards, at an Advanced Practice level, for nine fields of practice in community nursing. We are very grateful to all those who contributed to the process. Representatives included academics, managers, clinicians, front line staff, and service users/patients/experts by experience/carers/families. Advanced Level Standards are available for the following specialisms: 

  • Adult Social Care Nursing
  • Community Children’s Nursing
  • Community Mental Health Nursing
  • District Nursing
  • General Practice Nursing
  • Inclusion Health Nursing
  • Health and Justice Nursing
  • Community Learning Disability Nursing
  • Palliative and End of Life Care Nursing

Invitation to higher education institutions

We welcome enquiries from all HEIs that wish to find out more about the endorsement process.

For those HEIs currently developing an SPQ, that would like their programme(s) endorsed by the QICN, please note this can be done retrospectively, provided our criteria have been met.

Click here to view a list of the HEI courses currently endorsed by the QNI.

Additional Benefits

There are benefits to institutions and to students through obtaining QNI endorsement.

All students, along with their course leaders, practice assessors and supervisors on endorsed programmes are able to attend our annual Conference free of charge.

We represent the interests of HEIs at meetings with the NMC and other institutions where Advanced Practice in nursing education is on the national agenda.


If you or your institution would like to find out more about our Field Specific Standards for SPQs, or have any queries, please contact us using the form below. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Enquiry about QNI Field Specific Standards for SPQs

Which standards are you interested in?(Required)
Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

Note on Mapping

The Field Specific Standards for Specialist Practitioner Qualifications (SPQ) have been built on the NMC SPQ standards (NMC 2022) and are mapped to those standards where this was considered necessary. They are also mapped to the four Pillars of Advanced Practice. The four pillars (domains) of advanced practice as described by the HEE Advanced Practice Toolkit Framework (2017) are:

  • Domain 1 – Clinical Care
  • Domain 2 – Leadership and Management
  • Domain 3 – Education and Assessing Learning
  • Domain 4 – Evidence, Research and Development.

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