Have you got an idea to help raise funds for community nurses?
Most people will need the help of a community nurse at some point in their lives. The QNI supports those nurses so they can deliver the best care, where and when it’s needed.
Would you like to something back to your community and fundraise for the QNI and community nursing? We’re sure you’ve got lots of your own brilliant ideas to raise money, but here are a few of our own:
- Visit a garden open for charity as part of The National Garden Scheme
- Take part in a fun run
- Sign up to a UK or overseas challenge event
- Hold a quiz night at your local pub
- Organise a sponsored swim
- Take your unwanted clothes and toys to a car boot sale
- Run a comedy night
- Have a cake sale
- Persuade your boss/ teacher to have a dress down day
As soon as you have organised an event, you can start to raise money by choosing us as your preferred charity on Just Giving – follow their simple steps to set up an online sponsorship page.
Fundraising materials
Here are some QNI fundraising materials to download and print for a tea party or cake sale:
- Tea party bunting (large)
- Tea party bunting (small)
- Tea party cake toppers
- Cake sale poster – version 1
- Cake sale poster – version 2.

Whatever you decide to do, we would like to support you every step of the way. We can give you advice on how to organise an event, help you to get sponsorship and provide you with leaflets and posters about the QNI.
If you would like to get involved, please contact us.